March-April Holiday Message: Make The Better Choice #JustDon’tDoIt

Your life can take a turn… Just like that. Don’t drink and drive, you will get caught.
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March-April Holiday Message: Make The Better Choice #JustDon’tDoIt

This is the request issued by to South African drivers as they get ready for the upcoming long weekend and school holidays.

The Association for Alcohol Responsibility and Education (, in partnership with the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) are cautioning drivers that if they choose to drink and drive during this holiday period, they will get caught.

This Easter holiday campaign raises awareness about the dangers presented to drivers and other road users when drivers choose to get behind the wheel after drinking. It also aims to reduce the national road accident rate and death toll during late March and early April.

“Two key factors we are dealing with are that the roads get busy with additional holiday traffic and that some road users choose to get behind the wheel even when they are over the legal alcohol limit. We therefore appeal to drivers to drive responsibly,” states Carmen Mohapi, the Managing Director of

“Imagine you’re driving somewhere in the Midlands after a wonderful family lunch. You’re not concerned because you’ve only had a few drinks, right? Suddenly there’s a metro police vehicle behind you, beeping the siren and asking you to  stop. Your heart races and your mouth dries up. Your life can change instantly when you drink and drive,” warns Mohapi.

Mohapi urges South Africans not to be fooled by the usual misconceptions like ‘I won’t get caught’ or ‘coffee will sober me up’.

To help give drivers an experience of what it is like to drive under the influence of alcohol Aware has launched a digital drinking and driving simulator available on its website, This educational experience was developed by with a view to using gamification to give people an opportunity to virtually drink, then practice driving under the influence.

“Our research on driver intoxication and fatal crashes suggests that driver alcohol intoxication accounts for an estimated 5.5% of fatal crashes in South Africa. Additionally, pedestrians experience the greatest risk when alcohol is mixed with road use. This collaboration with strengthens reach and impact by combining widespread communication with on-the-ground law enforcement,” said Simon Zwane, RTMC Chief Communications Officer.

“We hope for visible results from this safety initiative as road safety remains a primary concern. Always being sober behind the wheel is crucial for the safety of motorists, passengers and pedestrians,” said Mohapi.

Mohapi stressed that in addition to asking South Africans to resist drinking if they know they will be driving, it is important to popularise and start building new social norms taking into consideration the reality that it is now easier than ever to avoid drinking and driving.

“Why risk spoiling your break and fun times with loved ones? Rather enjoy the widespread choices of 0% alcohol drink options and transportation alternatives,” urged Mohapi.

This latest initiative follows convincing results from last year’s partnership with the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department. assisted the JMPD with data collection and driver breathalyser technology that ensures the dockets from DIU operations are prosecution-ready. This has resulted in a reduction in drunk driving of nearly four percent during the six-month period July to December 2023.

This positive outcome underscores that it is feasible and practical to improve the effectiveness of DUI roadblocks, which helps deter drinking and driving behaviour.

Mohapi said that is working to conclude similar partnerships with police departments in other high risk provinces and metros.


In conclusion,'s campaign ahead of the Easter holiday and school holidays in South Africa, in partnership with the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), emphasizes the grave consequences of drinking and driving. Through awareness-raising efforts, digital simulators, and collaborations with law enforcement, the initiative seeks to reduce road accidents and fatalities caused by intoxicated driving. Carmen Mohapi, Managing Director of, urges drivers to prioritize responsibility and emphasizes the potential life-altering consequences of driving under the influence. The success of previous partnerships highlights the effectiveness of coordinated efforts in combating drunk driving, underscoring the importance of ongoing initiatives to promote safer road practices. Ultimately, choosing sobriety behind the wheel is essential for the safety of all road users, and embracing alternatives to drinking and driving is crucial for enjoying holidays without risking lives.

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