Commemorates Human Rights Day by reinforcing commitment to responsible alcohol consumption

30 years of democracy, 30 years of progress – and the journey continues. As South Africa marks Human Rights Day, Carmen Mohapi, Managing Director of, calls for a renewed focus on alcohol harm reduction to safeguard the rights to health and safety for all.
play now Commemorates Human Rights Day by reinforcing commitment to responsible alcohol consumption

As South Africa commemorates 30 years since the landmark 1994 elections that ushered in a new democracy and a world-renowned Constitution, affirms its dedication to promoting responsible alcohol consumption in alignment with fundamental human rights principles.

Human Rights Day serves as a reminder of the struggles endured and the victories achieved in the journey towards equality, dignity and justice for all South Africans. At the core of these rights is the right to good health, safety and protection for every individual.’s perspective includes playing an impactful part in addressing emerging challenges that threaten some of these very rights, particularly for vulnerable populations.

“We've come such a long way in working towards guaranteeing human rights for all South Africans,” says Carmen Mohapi, the Managing Director of “But the struggle continues. Today, we call for an increased focus on alcohol harm reduction as a critical aspect of upholding these rights.”, an organisation dedicated to reducing the harmful use of alcohol, recognises the critical intersection between human rights and responsible alcohol consumption.

“ stands for progressive human rights that make an impact at societal level. Realising these rights requires dynamic and positive social interactions with multiple socio-economic drivers. This aligns seamlessly with our "whole-of-society" approach that sees continually engaging with partners and various stakeholders on harm reduction to foster positive attitudes and behaviours towards responsible drinking.”

The organisation highlights the harmful impacts of alcohol misuse on individuals, families and communities. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – a lifelong disability caused by prenatal alcohol exposure – is a stark example of how alcohol consumption can infringe upon a fundamental right: the right to protection and safety, of every child.

All three pillars – to eradicate underage drinking and FASD and reduce drinking and driving – are key public health goals and embodiments of human rights principles: protection and safety of individuals at every stage of life.'s initiatives aim to empower individuals and organisations with knowledge and resources to be part of the harm-reduction movement as they fulfil their roles in life. By taking these steps, South Africa can build upon its human rights legacy by ensuring a future where all citizens, from the youngest to the oldest, can live healthy and fulfilling lives.


✊ Upholding Rights, Embracing Responsibility ✨ As Human Rights Day draws to a close, let's carry forward the spirit of progress and unity. remains steadfast in its mission to combat alcohol misuse and protect the rights of every individual. Together, let's continue the fight for a safer, healthier future for all. Thank you for standing with us. #RightsAndResponsibility #TogetherForChange

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